3.7. Appendix 1: Case Files

Case files for the Turbo Setup are written in a simple XML format that can be read and modified either manually or by a third-party program for easy integration of the Turbo Setup component into your workflow.

The tags reflect the property names in the Turbo Setup system. The only mandatory tag is the base <TurboSetup> tag; any other missing tags are simply ignored on reading the case, without any errors or warnings being displayed. The order of the tags is significant only for the Cp polynomial coefficients where they appear in ascending order.

An example case file follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

      <InletStagnationTemperature>288.15 [K]</InletStagnationTemperature>
      <InletStagnationPressure>101353 [Pa]</InletStagnationPressure>

      <InletAngle>0 [degree]</InletAngle>

      <RotationalSpeed>90000 [rev min^-1]</RotationalSpeed>
      <MassFlowRate>0.6 [kg s^-1]</MassFlowRate>

      <RotationalSpeed value="100">
         <MinFlow>0.54 [kg s^-1]</MinFlow>
         <MaxFlow>0.66 [kg s^-1]</MaxFlow>
         <MassFlowRate>0.66 [kg s^-1]</MassFlowRate>
         <MassFlowRate>0.6 [kg s^-1]</MassFlowRate>
         <MassFlowRate>0.54 [kg s^-1]</MassFlowRate>
      <RotationalSpeed value="95">
         <MinFlow>0.51 [kg s^-1]</MinFlow>
         <MaxFlow>0.63 [kg s^-1]</MaxFlow>
         <MassFlowRate>0.63 [kg s^-1]</MassFlowRate>
         <MassFlowRate>0.57 [kg s^-1]</MassFlowRate>
         <MassFlowRate>0.51 [kg s^-1]</MassFlowRate>

      <GasConstant>287.053 [J kg^-1 K^-1]</GasConstant>
      <DynamicViscosity>1.789e-005 [Pa s]</DynamicViscosity>

      <CriticalPressure>3758000 [Pa]</CriticalPressure>
      <CriticalTemperature>132.3 [K]</CriticalTemperature>
      <CriticalVolume>0.002857 [kg^-1 m^3]</CriticalVolume>
