10.3. Blade Comparison

You can take a snapshot of a blade design so that, as you modify the current design, you can easily compare it against the snapshot to visualize the changes you have made. When the FlowPath, Blade, and Splitter features have been successfully generated, you can click Create snapshot   to take a snapshot, or to update the snapshot, of the current blade design.

The snapshot also appears in the following views:

  • Model View

    The snapshot appears in the 3D Viewer as a transparent (by default) blade set.

    Until you change the blade geometry, the snapshot will coincide with the blade in the Model View. To see the snapshot by itself, suppress the display of the blade geometry (for example, by clicking Display Model   to hide the geometry).

  • Angle view

  • Thickness view

  • Blade to Blade view

Click Comparison On/Off   to toggle the visibility of the snapshot in all views that can display a snapshot. While comparison mode is on, you cannot update or clear the snapshot.

To clear the snapshot, click Clean snapshot  . Deleting the snapshot has a (usually minor) benefit; it reduces the disk space required to save your case.

You can control display options for the snapshot by clicking Comparison display option   and making changes in the details view.

Blade comparison is demonstrated in Tutorial 1: Blade Editing With Emphasis On Sketches, Layers, and Blade Comparison.