4.2. Hydrodynamic Diffraction System

Hydrodynamic Diffraction systems can be standalone systems, or attached to an upstream mesh system, depending on the analysis workflow. In the external meshing workflow, the Hydrodynamic Diffraction system shares the Mesh of the Mesh system with the Model of the Hydrodynamic Diffraction system.

To share these systems in the Project Schematic, you must initially create two independent systems, then manually link the two relevant cells. The cell list updates once the link has been established.

Create Mesh and Hydrodynamic Diffraction systems in the Project Schematic
Manually link the Mesh cell to the Model cell
Hydrodynamic Diffraction system updates to reflect the connection
After the geometry has been imported and the mesh is generated, update the Mesh cell from the Project Schematic

There are two analysis options for a Hydrodynamic Diffraction analysis: either to calculate the Hydrostatics only (Aqwa stages 1 and 2), or to calculate the full Hydrodynamic results.