17.2. Parallel - Task Assignments

This window lets you assign sub-domains to Tasks performed on each CPU.

The efficiency of parallel processing is very dependent on distributing sub-domains among the tasks so that each task has approximately the same amount of work (computing) to do.

Automatic / Manual assignment

If you select Automatic assignment of Sub-domains to Tasks, Autodyn will automatically distribute sub-domains among the tasks, using load-balancing algorithms. You do not need to input any further data if you use this option.

If you select Manual assignment of Sub-domains to Tasks, further input dialog is presented:

Parts List

The box at the top of the window lists the Parts whose Sub-domains you need to assign. You can select a Part in this list.

Review Assignments

Click this button to view a list of all Sub-domains and the tasks to which they are assigned.

Balance Automatically

  • If you select this option, you can invoke the load-balancing algorithms use if you had selected Automatic assignment of the Sub-domains to Tasks, to distribute your Sub-domains over a specific number of Tasks.

  • Number of tasks

    Enter the number of Tasks over which you want to distribute your Sub-domains.

  • Balance Now

    Click this button to perform the distribution.

Manually assign to tasks

  • If you select this option, dialog is presented which lets you manually assign blocks of Sub-domains to a specific Task :

  • Block to be assigned

    In the fields provided, specify the I, J, and K section range for the block of Sub-domains you want to assign to a Task.

  • Assign to Task

    Enter the Task # to which you want to assign the block of Sub-domains in this field.

  • Assign Now

    Click this button to assign the specified block to the specified Task.

    This procedure can be repeated as many times as you want, to assign blocks of Sub-domains to Tasks.