1.2. Autodyn Toolbar

The toolbar (and the navigation bar) provide shortcuts to options available in the pull-down menus.

Create a new model (this functionality is available only when Autodyn is started up outside Ansys Workbench)
Open an existing model (this functionality is available only when Autodyn is started up outside Ansys Workbench)
Save current model to current filename (this functionality is available only when Autodyn is started up outside Ansys Workbench)
Open a results file
Open a settings file
Save current plot view parameters to a settings file
Transform object default to on
Transform light source
Rotate model
Translate model
Zoom function
Set view brings up new window so that exact view can be set
Reset model
Fit model to view panel
Examine model
Profile window
Toggle wireframe mode (on/off)
Perspective on/off
Hardware acceleration on/off
Setup slide show
Create image of current view
Record slideshow
Create textslide
Show/hide Navigation Bar
Manual/Automatic refresh
Refresh screen
Stop all plotting