Chapter 5: History

This panel lets you compose and display time histories of Gauge points and Summary variables.

When you select this panel, the history and summary data associated with the model you are working with will be automatically loaded and the model's Ident will be displayed in the window at the top of the panel.


Load history data for other models.


Remove history data for the selected model (at least one model must remain loaded at all times).


Reduce the amount of history data stored for a model.

History Type

Select the type of history you want to view from the following options:

Gauge Points

Variable histories at gauge points.

Material Summaries

Mass, energy and momentum sums for each material.

Part Summaries

Mass, energy, and momentum sums for each Part.


Energy balance.

X momentum

X momentum balance.

Y momentum

Y momentum balance

Z momentum

Z momentum balance

Jetting Analysis

Jetting analysis plots (active only if model uses Jetting).

Single Variable Plots

Compose plots of a single variable

Multiple Variable Plots

Compose plots including multiple variables


Use the left mouse button to select a point on the graph. The corresponding curve label and x and y values are displayed in the Examine panel.


View integrals of the variables in the current plot.


View differentials of the variables in the current plot.


View maximum and minimum values for the current plot.

Write textfile (uhs)

Output the data from the current plot (Write UHS for current history plot) or output all the gauge data from a history file (Write Output for all gauges and variables in selected ident).

Set scales

Autodyn automatically chooses scales for your plots based on minimum and maximum values of the data. Clicking this button lets you set your own scales.

Plot Styles

Set the color, style and thickness of lines for each plot.

Legend Position

Position the legend anywhere in the view.