Chapter 15: Detonation (2D)

This window lets you set the locations where explosives will be detonated / deflagrated.

Detonations / Deflagrations

The box at the top of the window shows you a list of the current detonations / deflagrations you have defined. You can select from this list.


Define a detonation point.


Define a line of detonation.


Define a detonation circle (planar symmetry).


Define a detonation sphere (axial symmetry).


Manually define initiation times for blocks of elements.


Delete the selected detonation definition


Review information for all detonation definitions.


Select whether you want detonation times to be calculated using direct or indirect paths.

Direct Path

Detonation times are computed from straight line paths from detonation points. This is the most accurate method, but is only valid if the straight line paths are through the explosive material.

Indirect Path

Detonation times are calculated from shortest paths through explosive material. Paths are automatically computed around inert materials (for example, wave shapers).

Plot detonation points

See the location of detonation points in the view panel.