Systems and Cells

A system is a workflow building block and is made up of one or more analysis components called cells.

You can interact with a cell to perform any of the following actions:

  • Launch an application that opens independently of Workbench

  • Open a tab inside Workbench

  • Add connecting systems, either upstream or downstream

  • Assign input or reference files

  • Assign properties to components of your analysis

Each cell has either an application or a tab associated with it. Some cells are associated with an application that launches in a separate window, such as Fluent or Mechanical; in some cases, multiple cells in a system can be associated with the same application. Other cells, such as the Parameters cell or a cell in a System Coupling system, are associated with tabs that open inside Workbench.

Icons for each cell indicate the state of that particular cell, such as whether the cell requires attention, is up-to-date, and so on. For more information, see Understanding Cell States.

To display a quick help panel for the cell, click the blue triangle in the lower right corner of the cell (where available). The quick help message that displays explains any immediate action that must be taken and can include links to more detailed help.

For more information on working with systems, see Working Through a System. For a detailed list of cell types, see Types of Cells.