Interacting with Project Objects

The Toolbox and Project Schematic pane contain project objects such as systems, cells, and links. You can interact with these objects in a number of different ways:

  • Single-click: Selects an object. This does not modify data or initiate any action.

  • Double-click: Initiates the default action from the context menu. This allows users who are familiar with Workbench to quickly move through basic or common operations.

  • Right- click: Displays a context menu applicable to the current state of the selected object. From the context menu, you can select from multiple actions. The default action is shown in bold.

  • Drag-and-drop: Previews possible locations for an object in the Project Schematic. A drag-and-drop operation can have multiple alternative targets, depending on context and schematic complexity. Holding down the mouse button, hover over any target to see details of how the target location would be implemented (for example, what components would be connected after the operation is completed).

    To cancel a drag-and-drop operation, press the Esc key while holding down the mouse button.