Adding Multiple Independent Systems

Independent systems are systems on the Project Schematic that are not connected to other systems by data links. Multiple independent systems can be used to keep the analyses for related but separate components within the same project (for example, two parts of the same vehicle). You may also want to create independent systems if you are analyzing the same model but using different solvers to compare the results, or are using different editors on independent yet related data (for example, you are using Mechanical APDL on an independent input file, and using Mechanical on a geometry file that has related origins to the input file of the Mechanical APDL system).

You can create a new independent system using either of the following methods:

  • Double-click the desired system.

    The new system is created on the Project Schematic below an existing system and is not linked to any existing system.

  • Drag-and-drop the desired system.

    When you drag the system from the Toolbox and move it over the Project Schematic, a preview of all possible drop targets is shown. Drop the system on a target that displays the message Create standalone system.