Resetting Data

Resetting data removes or erases both input and output data to the cell and sets the cell state back to the default. Any reference files are removed.

Reset may alter the state of cells downstream from the selected cell. If you have two systems that share cells, reset is not available from the cells that are shared, only from the source (the cell that is being shared from).

Reset clears all solution state data and cache data for all design points in the project.

Important:  For some systems, this operation results in specific behavior depending on the selected cell and in some cases specific system data (such as existing links). Refer to the following table for specific actions.

CellDataBehavior Description
Mechanical systems
Geometry Clears the geometry source and resets geometry properties to the defaults.
Model Closes the Mechanical session (if open) and deletes the .mechdb from disk. The system is in a state as if the geometry was never attached.
Setup Deletes any objects under the Environment (such as loads and supports).
Solution Sets the values in Analysis Settings back to the defaults.
Results Deletes any results, probes, or post tools from Mechanical.
SetupImported Temperature: One-way FSI inputDeletes the Import Load from Mechanical and also deletes CFD result file from disk. State on Setup cell goes to Refresh Required.
SetupImported Temperature: Thermal stressNo additional action required.
ModelLink to CFXNo additional action required.
ModelLink to Mechanical APDLNo additional action required.
SetupLink to Mechanical APDLNo additional action required.
SolutionLink to Mechanical APDLNo additional action required.
Mechanical APDL
Analysis Deletes all files in the Mechanical APDL System directory and resets any properties (as set in the Properties pane) back to the default. Any schematic input links remain intact and the needed files are copied back into the system upon Refresh. Any manually- added files (Add Input/Reference) are deleted and removed from the Outline pane.
Mesh When the Use Workflow option enabled, a Reset on the Mesh cell removes the generated mesh (if any) and resets the workflow completely. The default template for the workflow (specified in the Mesh cell) is then initialized and all the workflow task states remain as Update Required. Since the workflow state is stored in a mesh file, the mesh file is not removed, it is present and is registered with the Mesh cell even after the Reset operation.
SetupLink to imported case and other input files, settings, and possibly other input filesCloses the Fluent session without saving data. Deletes all internal files. Links to imported files are deleted (but the file is not deleted.) If Mesh is coming from an upstream simulation Mesh cell, the file is unregistered and might get deleted if the upstream Mesh cell no longer refers to it. All associated input parameters are deleted. Launcher settings are set to the default value.
SolutionInternal, link to initialization dataCloses the session without saving data. Deletes all files currently associated with the cell (the latest available solution data). Any schematic input links remain intact. Any imported initial solution data file is unregistered. (Only the link is removed; the file is not deleted.) All associated output parameters are deleted. Launcher settings are set to the default values.

To reset data:

  1. Right-click the cell to reset and select Reset from the context menu.

  2. To complete the operation, click OK.