
analysis system

A template that has all the cells required to complete an analysis for a particular type of physics, such as static structural.


Save all project files and data into a single package that can be shared, stored, and reused.


A part of a system that represents a discrete task in the process of completing the overall analysis. Typical cells include Engineering Data, Geometry, Model or Mesh, Setup, Solution, and Results.

component system

A system template that has the cells necessary to complete only a portion of a complete analysis. Often these systems are task-oriented (for example, a system to create a geometry or to produce a mesh) or are associated with a particular application.

component update

An update of a single component (or cell) within a system in an Ansys Workbench project. For example, an update of the Analysis cell within a project is a component update.

A Solution cell update is the only component update currently supported by Remote Solve Manager.

context menu

A context-sensitive list of options available from a cell or other component, accessed by a right-mouse click.

custom system

A system template that has all of systems necessary to complete a coupled analysis, such as FSI or thermal-stress.

data-integrated application

An application that has a separate interface from the Ansys Workbench project window but that still communicates with Ansys Workbench.

Design Exploration

Systems in the Design Exploration group are used to access DesignXplorer functionality. These systems connect to the Parameter Set bar in order to drive parametric studies by varying project parameters.

design point

A set of input parameter values and corresponding output parameter values that make up a single solved instance of a project.

design point update

An update of one or more design points in an Ansys Workbench project. You can update a single design point, a selected set of design points, or all the design points in a project. During a design point update, solution data is updated only where output parameters have been defined.

Design point updates can be submitted to Remote Solve Manager.


In the Project Schematic, data flows from top-to-bottom within systems and from left-to-right between systems. A cell is said to be downstream if it is below a cell in the same system, or to the right of a cell in a separate system. Downstream cells use data from upstream cells as input.


Systems in the Project Schematic that are dependent on each other in some manner are connected with links. Links with a square terminator indicate that data is shared between the two cells connected by the link, and links with a round terminator indicate that data is transferred from the upstream to the downstream cell.


A property of a model that can be varied (input parameter) or the result of varying such a property (output parameter). Custom input or custom output parameters can be defined by a constant value; derived parameters are defined by an expression of other parameters (for example, "P2+3*P3").


The project is the full collection of systems, components, data, and their connections that you create to achieve an overall CAE goal.

Project Schematic

A region of the Ansys Workbench project window where you will construct and interact with your project. Projects are represented as connected systems displayed in a flowchart form that allows engineering intent, data relationships, and the state of the analysis project to be understood at a glance.

project update

An update of an entire Workbench project. All the systems, components, and design points in the project are updated.


An action that reads in all modified upstream data but does not necessarily regenerate the outputs of the cell.


A collection of cells that together perform a dedicated task. Types of systems include analysis systems, component systems, and custom systems.


A region of the Ansys Workbench interface, located on the left side of the interface, from which you can choose systems or other components to add to the project. The Toolbox is context-sensitive, meaning the options that appear will change based on what is selected elsewhere in the interface.


An action that updates data in a particular system or cell with any new information that has been added to the project since the last update and regenerates the outputs.


In the Project Schematic, data flows from top-to-bottom within systems and from left-to-right between systems. A cell is said to be upstream if it is above a cell in the same system or to the left of a cell in a separate system. Upstream cells provide their output data to downstream cells.