Exporting Design Points to New Projects

To work with the calculated data for a design point other than the current design point, you can export the design point to a separate project. A new project is created for each design point that is exported.

When you export a design point, if the design point has already been exported, the existing exported files are overwritten.

Note:  DesignXplorer data is not a part of design points and is not exported. DesignXplorer is a consumer of design points but does not define design points. Consequently, it is not involved when a design point is updated, or by extension, exported.

To export design points:

  1. To open the Table pane, double-click the Parameters cell of a system or the Parameter Set bar.

  2. In the Table pane, select the design points.

  3. Right-click the selection and select Export Selected Design Points from the context menu.

The data of each design point is saved to a new project, named filename_dpn (where dpn indicates the number of the exported design point), with a project file named filename_dpn.wbpj. Working files are saved to a filename_dpn_files directory that is a sibling to the original filename_files project folder.

The content of the new project depends on the state of the design point's retained data at the time of the export:

  • If valid retained data is available for an exported design point, the retained data is used to create the new project. This retained data can be either up-to-date or out-of-date.

  • If no valid retained data is available for an exported design point, the project exported is an out-of-date project based on the current design point with the parameter values for this design point applied. No valid retained data exists if the design point is either not selected to retain data or is selected but retained data is not yet generated or has become invalid. You are asked to confirm before the export of such a design point is performed. When you open the exported project, it is out-of-date and requires an update to solve for the exported design point.

After an export, you must save the parent project before you can export design points again.

If a design point fails to export, the files for this design point remain in the project_files\dpn directory until you delete them manually or attempt to update the design point again.