Exporting Design Point Parameter Values to a Comma-Separated Values File

From the design points table, you can export the design point parameter values to a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file, which you can then use with other software tools for further processing. This file is created in an extended file format. In addition to supporting standard CSV formatting, it supports several Workbench-specific formatting conventions. The values are always exported in units as defined in Workbench.

The file format includes the following components:

  • Values are separated by commas.

  • The optional header line indicates the name of each column.

  • Each line is an independent record made of fields separated by commas.

  • The format is not dependent on the locale, which means that the real number 12 and 345 one-thousandths is always written as 12.345, regardless of the regional settings of the computer.

  • If a line starts with the character #, it is considered a comment line rather than a header or data line and is ignored.

  • The header line is mandatory. It is the line where each parameter is identified by its ID (P1, P2, ..., Pn) to describe each column. The IDs of the parameters in header line match the IDs of the parameters in the project.

  • The first column is used to indicate a name for each row.

  • A file can contain several blocks of data, with the beginning of each block being determined by a new header line.

To export design point parameter values to a CSV file:

  1. To open the Table pane, double-click the Parameters cell of a system or the Parameter Set bar.

  2. In the Table pane, right-click a cell and select Export Table Data as CSV from the context menu.

A file similar to the following is generated:

# 10/1/2012 10:38:01 AM 
# The parameters defined in the project are: 
# P1 - WB_B [mm], P2 - WB_D [mm], P3 - WB_L [mm], P4 - WB_P [N], P5 - WB_E [MPa], 
# P10 - WB_SIG [MPa], P8 - WB_DIS [mm], P9 - WB_BUCK [N] 
# The following header line defines the name of the columns by reference to the parameters.
Name, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P10, P8, P9
DP 0, 2, 5, 100, 1000, 200000, 12000, 80, 1028.91145833333 
DP 1, 3, 5, 150, 1000, 200000, , , 
DP 2, 5, 5, 20, 1000, 200000, , ,