
The Chemkin system launches Ansys Chemkin, allowing you to employ both an array of reactor models that include 0-D, 1-D, and 2-D models and complex detailed chemical kinetics mechanisms to investigate concepts in combustion, emissions, and materials synthesis.

For detailed information on working with Chemkin, see the Chemkin Getting Started Guide, as well as the other online documentation available in the Help menu within Chemkin.

To work through a Chemkin system:

  1. To add a Chemkin component system, drag the system from the Toolbox to the Project Schematic or double-click the system in the Toolbox.

  2. Right-click the Setup cell and select one of the following options from the context menu:

    • To specify the Chemkin settings, select Edit.

    • To import a previously saved Chemkin project, select Import Chemkin Project.