Setting Chart Properties

Each chart has properties that can be set for chart data and chart display. This section describes chart display properties, common to charts displayed by any Workbench application. For more information about chart data properties, refer to the help for the individual applications displaying the chart.

The various chart properties are displayed in the Properties pane.

Note:  Only the properties that are applicable for the current chart type are displayed when you edit a chart component (an axis, for example).

To set chart properties:

  1. Right-click a part of a chart and select Edit Properties from the context menu.

    • To set axis properties, right-click on, or outside of, an axis.

    • To set legend properties, right-click the border or background of the legend.

    • To set variable properties, right-click the variable plot on the chart or right-click the variable name in the legend.

    • To edit chart properties, right-click the background of a chart.

  2. Set the required properties.

    Axis Properties
    The axis properties that are available depend on whether the chart axis is discrete or continuous.
    TitleSets the name for the axis (defaults to variable name).
    Title Background ColorSets the background color used for the axis name.
    Show Grid
    • When selected, displays a grid for this chart axis

    • When cleared, hides the grid

    Automatic Range
    • When selected uses automatic scaling for the axis

    • When cleared uses Range Minimum and Range Maximum for axis scaling if they fall within the data bounds

    Range MinimumSets the minimum range of the axis and is displayed when Automatic Range is cleared.
    Range MaximumSets the maximum range of the axis and is displayed when Automatic Range is cleared.
    Is Logarithmic
    • When selected, sets axis scaling to be logarithmic

    • When cleared, sets axis scaling to be linear

    Is Usability
    • When selected, displays a line/bar plot of the cross-section data in a perpendicular direction to the axis direction

    • When cleared, hides the line/bar plot

    Legend Properties
    Legend properties can also be set as part of general chart properties. If you click a legend variable, the variable properties are displayed instead of the legend properties.
    • When selected, displays the legend for the chart

    • When cleared, hides the legend for the chart

    Note:  If there are too many entries in the legend, the legend does not display, even if Visible is selected.

    StyleDisplays the legend entries either horizontally or vertically and allows the legend to be expanded in the same direction, if it provides any benefit (defaults to vertical).
    Foreground ColorSets the color of the legend border. The legend border default is to have no color. You can apply a new color from the color wheel or click More and change the Alpha channel to 0 for transparent or 255 for opaque.
    Background ColorSets the color of the legend background. The legend background default is to have no color. You can apply a new color from the color wheel or click More and change the Alpha channel to 0 for transparent or 255 for opaque.
    Variable Properties
    LabelSets the name for the selected variable plot.
    Is Included in LegendWhen selected, adds the selected variable plot to the legend.
    Display As Sets the shape for the selected variable plot.
    Automatic Range
    • When selected uses automatic scaling for the variable values

    • When cleared uses Range Minimum and Range Maximum for variable value scaling if they fall within the data bounds

    Range MinimumSets minimum range of variable values displayed.
    Range MaximumSets maximum range of variable values displayed.
    Style Display Properties

    When plot rendering is controlled per variable, the style display properties appear when you edit the variable properties. When plot line rendering is controlled generally rather than per variable (for example, spider charts), the style display properties appear when you edit the chart properties.

    Smoothed EdgesRenders lines and surfaces with anti-aliasing set on so that the line or surface appears to be smooth.
    Line StyleSets the type of line used for the plot.
    Fill StyleSets the fill style for objects in the plot that use a fill.
    Line ColorsSets the color sequence for multiple lines displayed on the chart.
    Fill ColorsSets the color sequence for sequential symbols or gradient used for plot display.
    Number of Color BandsWhen set to 0, the gradient is displayed as a smooth graduation between values, rather than banded, where a single color is shown for a range of values.
    Relative Bar WidthSets the width of a bar as a proportion of available space [0 - 1], determined by the maximum size bar that can be displayed without overlapping any adjacent bars of the same variable (if other variables appear between bars of this variable, making the bar wider may overlap those intervening variables).
    Relative Bar OffsetSets the start position of a bar, proportional to the minimum point where the bar could be placed to the maximum point where the bar could be placed [0 - 1], with the maximum size based on the same criteria as Relative Bar Width.
    Show Linear Interpolation of Lines

    When selected, causes the ends of a line plot to extend to the edge of the chart, when the plot is not against a discrete axis.

    Note:  In most cases, properties are not shown if they are not applicable to the item selected. However, Show Linear Interpolation of Lines is displayed whether the axis is discrete or continuous, but it only applies in cases of continuous axes. The option will have no effect if you set it when the plot is displayed on a discrete axis.

    Symbol Outline ColorsSets the color used to outline displayed symbols.
    Symbol SizeSets the size of displayed symbols in pixels [1 - 16].
    Line Width Sets the width of lines (including lines outlining bars), in pixels [1 - 10].
    Chart Properties
    When plot line rendering is controlled generally rather than per variable (for example, in spider charts), the style display properties also appear when you edit the chart properties.
    TitleSets the chart title that appears in the Chart pane title bar.
    Chart TypeAllows some charts to be displayed as another chart type.
    Display PercentagesTurns on percentage values on pie charts.