
The TurboGrid system launches Ansys TurboGrid, a tool that lets designers and analysts of rotating machinery create high-quality hexahedral meshes, while preserving the underlying geometry. These meshes are used in the Ansys workflow to solve complex blade passage problems.

For more information, see Ansys TurboGrid help.

To work through a TurboGrid system:

  1. To add a TurboGrid component system, drag the system from the Toolbox to the Project Schematic or double-click the system in the Toolbox.

  2. Optionally, connect an upstream cell to the Turbo Mesh cell to provide the geometry data. To do this, right-click the Turbo Mesh cell and select Transfer Data from New from the context menu or drop the TurboGrid system on the Geometry cell of another system.

    If you do not complete this step, you can load geometry data using TurboGrid.

  3. To open TurboGrid, double-click the Turbo Mesh cell.

  • You can set the Solution Process Update Option in the Turbo Mesh cell properties to either Run in Foreground or Run in Background.

  • Before running the Turbo Mesh cell in the background, ensure that all TurboGrid editors are closed. During an update with either option, you cannot save the project or close Workbench. An error message will be displayed if you try to do so.

  • TurboGrid background update is not supported when using license sharing. Disable license sharing in Tools > Options > Project Management.