10.8.3. Mesh Statistics Parameters - Order Of Importance

Generally, the mesh statistics can be ranked as follows (most important to least important)

  1. Minimum Volume - these MUST be fixed before the mesh would be usable.

  2. Maximum Face Angle/Minimum Face Angle - these should be improved until they fall within the constraints (minimum of 15° and maximum of 165°), if possible. Values close to, but just outside the constraints may still be acceptable for your simulation.

  3. Edge Length Ratio - this can often be fixed by increasing the number of elements from hub to shroud. The default limit is 100, so values close to this will normally be acceptable.

  4. Element Volume Ratio - depending on the mesh, it may not be possible to satisfy this constraint.

  5. Connectivity Number - may or may not be pertinent depending on the type of solver used. For details, see Connectivity Number.