Input File

When a coupled analysis setup is completed in Workbench the System Coupling system generates a System Coupling Input file (scInput.sci)file.

Note:  Values in the .sci file are set by System Coupling and/or participants. These are typically not edited manually — and if edited at all, care should be taken to not invalidate the data model.

The .sci file includes the following elements:


The <Transfers> element contains details used to define the data transfers between any static and co-simulation coupling participants.

In this element, you can set the Count (an integer representing the total number of data transfers) as an attribute.

For each coupling transfer, the following properties are available:

<Name> (string)

Name of the participant. This is the name with which the participant identifies itself to System Coupling. This corresponds to the Component ID which is unique to a specific system's Solution cell in the Workbench user interface.

<Type> (integer attribute)

Type of coupling participant.

Possible values:

  • 0: Co-simulation

  • 1: Static data

<DisplayName> (wide string)

Display name of the participant, as provided in the Workbench user interface.

<FilePath> (string)

Full path to the primary file used to access source data from a static data participant.

<SupportsCouplingIterations> (Boolean)

Controls whether the co-simulation participant supports the execution of multiple coupling iterations per coupling step.


Unit system used.

<Regions> (options below are applicable to an individual region)

For each region, the following properties are available:

<Name> (string)

Name of the region (intrinsic to the participant).

<DisplayName> (wide string)

Display name of the region, as provided in the Workbench user interface.

<TopologicalDimensionality> (integer)

Geometry type of the region.

Possible values:

  • 2: Surface

  • 3: Volume

<Variables> (options below are applicable to an individual variable)
<Name> (string)

Name of the variable (intrinsic to the participant).

<DisplayName> (wide string)

Display name of the variable, as in the Workbench user interface.

<PhysicalType> (string)

Physical type of the variable. Possible values include:

  • Length

  • Force

<BaseUnits> (strings denoting base units for all data of noted physical type)

Possible values:

  • Angle (string)

  • ChemicalAmount (string)

  • Current (string)

  • Length (string)

  • Luminance (string)

  • Mass (string)

  • SolidAngle (string)

  • Temperature (string)

  • Time (string)


The <ExecutionControl> element contains details used for the execution of the participant. Contains the following sub-elements:


The <IntermediateResultsFileOutput> element contains properties that specify the frequency at which intermediate result files, which can be used for restarts, are written by System Coupling.

<FrequencyOption> (integer)

Frequency with which intermediate restart files are generated.

Possible values:

  • 0: Every coupling step

  • 1: Coupling step interval

<StepInterval> (integer)

Available when <FrequencyOption> is set to StepInterval. Coupling step interval at which intermediate result files are generated. For example, using a step interval of 3, results are generated at steps 3, 6, 9, ...


May be reported in the .sci file but is not used by System Coupling.


The <Analysis> element contains details used to define the coupled analysis. In this element, you can set the following:

<AnalysisType> (integer)

Defines the nature of the sequential steps used in coupling co-simulation participants.

Possible values:

  • 0: General

  • 1: Transient


Defines the initial time for the coupled analysis.

<Option> (integer)

Possible values:

  • 0: Program Controlled

    System Coupling makes the most appropriate choice of an initial time value. (default value)

  • 1: Start Time

    System Coupling overrides the initial/start time for the analysis with the value specified as part of <Time>.

<Time> (double)

Available when Initialization <Option> is set to 1. Initial time for the coupled analysis.


Defines the duration of the coupled analysis.

<Option> (integer)

Possible values:

  • 0: Number of Steps

  • 1: End Time

<NumberOfSteps> (integer)

Available if no end-time requirements exist for co-simulation participants.

<Time> (double)

Final time of coupling analysis.

MaximumIterations (integer)

Maximum number of coupling iterations allowed per coupling step.

<MinimumIterations> (integer)

Minimum number of coupling iterations allowed per coupling step.

<Size> (double)

Size of the coupling step when it is associated with a time (this is done for transient analyses, as size is measured in seconds).

<Option> (integer)

Possible values:

  • 1: Coupling step size. Used for transient analyses.

  • 0: Non-dimensional step size. Used for general analyses.

<Unit System>

Unit system used.


The read-only <Participants> element contains information obtained through connections to upstream solver systems.

In this element, you can view the <Count> (an integer representing the number of connected participants).

Note:  Depending upon the type of participant (co-simulation or static data), some of the options may not be applicable.

For each connected participant, you can view the following:

Type (integer attribute)

Type of coupling participant.

Possible values:

  • 0: Co-simulation

  • 1: Static data

<Name> (string)

Name of the participant. This is the name with which the participant identifies itself to System Coupling. This corresponds to the Component ID, which is unique to a specific system's Solution cell in the Workbench user interface.

<DisplayName> (wide string)

Display name of the participant, as provided in the Workbench user interface.

<ParticipantType> (string)

Indicates the application participating in the coupled analysis.

Possible values:

  • CFX



  • DEFAULT: Used for static participants, such when a static data file is used instead of a solver. Used when no participant type is specified. (default value)

<FilePath> (string)

Full path to the primary file used to access source data from a static data participant.

<SupportsCouplingIterations> (Boolean)

Controls whether the co-simulation participant supports the execution of multiple coupling iterations per coupling step.


Unit system used.

<Regions> (options below are applicable to an individual region)

For each region, the following properties are available:

<Name> (string)

Name of the region (intrinsic to the participant).

<DisplayName> (wide string)

Display name of the region, as provided in the Workbench user interface.

<TopologicalDimensionality> (integer)

Geometry type of the region.

Possible values:

  • 0: Undefined

  • 1: Point

  • 2: Curve

  • 3: Surface

  • 4: Volume

Variables (options below are applicable to an individual variable)

For each variable, the following properties are available:

<Name> (string)

Name of the variable (intrinsic to the participant).

<DisplayName> (wide string)

Display name of the variable, as provided in the Workbench user interface.

<PhysicalType> (string)

Physical type of the variable.

Possible values include:

  • Length

  • Force

<BaseUnits> (strings denoting base units for all data of noted physical type)

Possible values include:

  • Angle (string)

  • ChemicalAmount (string)

  • Current (string)

  • Length (string)

  • Luminance (string)

  • Mass (string)

  • SolidAngle (string)

  • Temperature (string)

  • Time (string)