Participant Solution Sequencing

System Coupling's participant solution sequencing — the order in which participant solutions are executed within an analysis — is based on a combination of participant object names and data transfer ordering requirements. An initial ordering of individual participants is a necessary step for all coupled analyses, both cases where the participants will solve individually and cases where groups of independent participants will be solved simultaneously.

System Coupling performs the following steps to arrange participants into an ordered list:

  1. Participants are divided into two sets: those that are sending Incremental Displacement and those that are not, with the participants sending Incremental Displacement coming first.

    This ensures that the final meshes are consistent on source and target participants at the end of each iteration.

  2. Within each of the two participant sets, the following order is applied:

    1. Participants with a trailing index in their object names (for example, FLUENT-1, MAPDL-2, AEDT-3, CFX-4) are first in the list and are sequenced numerically by their indices.

      Note:  When participants are added to the coupled analysis, the participant names are automatically appended with a trailing index indicating the order in which participants were added. Other participants appear next and are ordered alphabetically by their object names.

    2. Other participants appear next and are ordered alphabetically by their object names.

For coupled analyses where the participants will solve individually (the default behavior), participant data transfers and solutions are executed in the sequence specified by the ordered list.

For coupled analyses where participants are grouped to solve at the same time (the behavior when simultaneous solutions are enabled), additional sequencing steps are performed. For more information, see Simultaneous Execution of Participant Solutions.