Changing Data Model Settings

You can change coupled analysis settings either by using the fields in the System Coupling GUI or by using commands in the CLI to interact directly with the data model. For instructions on changing System Coupling's data model settings in either of its user interfaces, see:

Note:  For information on using expressions to define setting values, see Expressions in System Coupling.

Changing Data Model Values in the GUI

To change the value of a data model setting in the GUI, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Outline tree, select the branch that contains the setting.

    Each of the branch's settings is shown in the Properties pane, with its setting name in the left column and its value to the right.

  2. In the Value column, change the setting value according to the type of field:

    1. Select the new value(s) from a drop-down menu. Only valid options — both in terms of value and number — are available.

    2. Type the new value into the text field. Red highlighting of a field indicates a missing value for a required setting.

Changes are applied to the data model immediately. Resulting validation warnings and errors are shown on the Messages and Command Console tabs.

Changing Data Model Values in the CLI

To change the value of a data model setting in the CLI, enter the setting's path in the CLI and use an equal sign to set the new value, as shown in the example below:

Example 17: Change the value of the TimeStepSize setting

>>> DatamodelRoot().SolutionControl.TimeStepSize = '1.0 [s]'

The change is applied to the data model when you run the command.