Open System Coupling's Results in EnSight

Open System Coupling's co-simulation results in EnSight.

  1. From the Start menu, select Ansys 2024 R2 > EnSight 2024 R2.

    EnSight opens to its Welcome to EnSight Standard dialog.

  2. Click Open other file.

    The Open dialog opens.

  3. Enable Multiple file interface.

  4. For the Look in field, navigate to System Coupling's results folder, \ElectricMotor\SyC\Results.

    All results files for the case are listed in the box below.

  5. For the File type field, select EnSight Case (*.case *.encas) from the drop-down menu.

    The list of files is filtered so that only the two .case files are visible.

  6. Multi-select the and files.

  7. Click Add to list.

    The file path for each case file is added to the EnSight Case Files box.

  8. Click Load all parts.

EnSight opens with System Coupling's results loaded as Case 1.