Review Data Transfer and Participant Diagnostics in the Transcript

Review the Transcript output for the following coupling steps and iterations.

Coupling Step 1, Iteration 1

All participants update in the first coupling step, regardless of their Update Control settings. In this step, both participants are executing and solving to ensure that Maxwell begins by receiving a representative temperature and generating a representative loss.

| COUPLING STEP = 1                         SIMULATION TIME = 1.00000E+03 [s] |

|                             COUPLING ITERATIONS                             |
|                                     |      Source            Target         |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 1                            |
| Ansys Electronics Desktop           |                                       |
|   Interface: CouplingInterface 1    |                                       |
|     Temperature                     |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.00E+00          1.00E+00        |
|       Weighted Average              |     3.00E+02          3.00E+02        |
| MAPDL Transient Thermal             |                                       |
|   Interface: CouplingInterface 1    |                                       |
|     Heat Rate Density               |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.00E+00          1.00E+00        |
|       Sum                           |     3.09E+01          3.09E+01        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   Ansys Electronics Desktop         |              Complete                 |
|   MAPDL Transient Thermal           |             Converged                 |

Data Transfer Diagnostics
  • Temperature:

    Maxwell received temperature. Temperature transfer convergence diagnostics are presented for the source and target sides of the interface for this and every other iteration.

    • RMS Change values report progress toward specified convergence targets.

    • Weighted Average values report a weighted average temperature on the source and target, respectively. These values should also be very close to one another.

    • The Temperature data transfer did not converge.

  • Heat Rate Density:

    Mechanical received losses. Heat Rate Density convergence diagnostics are presented for the source and target sides of the interface for this and every other iteration.

    • RMS Change values report progress toward specified convergence targets.

    • Sum values report the net heat leaving the source and entering the target, respectively. These values should also be very close to one another.

    • The Heat Rate Density data transfer did not converge.

Participant Diagnostics
  • Because all participants update for the first coupling step, Maxwell and Mechanical both updated for this iteration.

  • Maxwell's direct solution completed.

  • Mechanical's iterative solution converged.

Coupling Step 3, Iteration 3

| COUPLING STEP = 3                         SIMULATION TIME = 3.00000E+03 [s] |

|                             COUPLING ITERATIONS                             |
|                                     |      Source            Target         |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 3                            |
| Ansys Electronics Desktop           |                                       |
|   Interface: CouplingInterface 1    |                                       |
|     Temperature                     |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.00E-14          1.00E-14        |
|       Weighted Average              |     4.64E+02          4.64E+02        |
| MAPDL Transient Thermal             |                                       |
|   Interface: CouplingInterface 1    |                                       |
|     Heat Rate Density               |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.00E-14          1.00E-14        |
|       Sum                           |     3.04E+01          3.04E+01        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   Ansys Electronics Desktop         |            Not updated                |
|   MAPDL Transient Thermal           |             Converged                 |

Data Transfer Diagnostics:
  • Temperature:

    • Mechanical generated temperature, as shown by the changed Temperature value, but Maxwell will not receive the data until its next update.

    • The Temperature data transfer converged in the third iteration.

  • Heat Rate Density:

    • Maxwell did not generate losses, as shown by the unchanged Heat Rate Density value.

    • The Heat Rate Density data transfer converged in the third iteration.

Participant Diagnostics:
  • Only Mechanical updated. Maxwell did not update because it is set to update only for every fifth coupling step.

  • Maxwell's direct solution did not update.

  • Mechanical's iterative solution converged.

Coupling Step 5, Iteration 3

| COUPLING STEP = 5                         SIMULATION TIME = 5.00000E+03 [s] |

|                             COUPLING ITERATIONS                             |
|                                     |      Source            Target         |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 3                            |
| Ansys Electronics Desktop           |                                       |
|   Interface: CouplingInterface 1    |                                       |
|     Temperature                     |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     1.55E-03          3.54E-04        |
|       Weighted Average              |     5.11E+02          5.11E+02        |
| MAPDL Transient Thermal             |                                       |
|   Interface: CouplingInterface 1    |                                       |
|     Heat Rate Density               |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     7.51E-05          3.24E-05        |
|       Sum                           |     2.94E+01          2.94E+01        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   Ansys Electronics Desktop         |              Complete                 |
|   MAPDL Transient Thermal           |             Converged                 |
Data Transfer Diagnostics:
  • Temperature:

    • Maxwell received temperature, as shown by the changed Temperature value.

    • The Temperature data transfer converged in the third iteration.

  • Heat Rate Density:

    • Mechanical received losses, as shown by the changed Heat Rate Density value.

    • The Heat Rate Density data transfer converged in the second iteration.

Participant Diagnostics:
  • Both participants updated.

  • Maxwell's direct solution completed.

  • Mechanical's iterative solution converged.

Coupling Step 20, Iteration 1

| COUPLING STEP = 20                        SIMULATION TIME = 2.00000E+04 [s] |

|                             COUPLING ITERATIONS                             |
|                                     |      Source            Target         |
|                           COUPLING ITERATION = 1                            |
| Ansys Electronics Desktop           |                                       |
|   Interface: CouplingInterface 1    |                                       |
|     Temperature                     |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     5.93E-04          1.35E-04        |
|       Weighted Average              |     5.59E+02          5.59E+02        |
| MAPDL Transient Thermal             |                                       |
|   Interface: CouplingInterface 1    |                                       |
|     Heat Rate Density               |             Converged                 |
|       RMS Change                    |     3.06E-04          1.32E-04        |
|       Sum                           |     2.91E+01          2.91E+01        |
| Participant solution status         |                                       |
|   Ansys Electronics Desktop         |              Complete                 |
|   MAPDL Transient Thermal           |             Converged                 |

Data Transfer Diagnostics:
  • Temperature:

    • Maxwell received temperature, as shown by the changed Temperature value.

    • The Temperature data transfer converged to 5.59E+02 [K] in the first iteration.

  • Heat Rate Density:

    • Mechanical received losses, as shown by the changed Heat Rate Density value.

    • The Heat Rate Density data transfer has converged to 2.91E+01 [W] in the first iteration.

Participant Diagnostics:
  • Both participants updated.

  • Maxwell's direct solution has completed.

  • Mechanical's iterative solution has converged.