Create Maxwell's System Coupling Setup

To enable the exchange of data between the electromagnetic and thermal analyses, create a System Coupling Setup. This creates an interface between regions on two models, allowing the electromagnetic model to receive temperature from the thermal model during the execution of the co-simulation. When you exit the setup dialog, Maxwell generates the configuration files it needs to work with System Coupling.

  1. In the Project Manager, expand BusBarTransient / Maxwell3DDesign (Transient).

  2. Right-click Optimetrics and select Add > System Coupling Setup.

    The System Coupling Setup dialog opens.

  3. Under Context:

    1. Leave Setup set to Setup1.

    2. Set Start time to 16.666667ms.

    3. Set End time to 33.33334ms.

      These last two settings specify the period over which Maxwell's losses will be time-averaged.

  4. Under Quantity, note the quantities included in the coupling setup:

    • Temperature is defined as an input (regions for temperature inputs correspond to bodies with temperature-dependent properties).

    • Loss is defined as an output (regions for loss output correspond to all bodies on which any losses are generated).

  5. Verify the bus bar object temperatures:

    1. In the Settings column, click the Object temperature button.

      The Temperature of Objects dialog opens.

    2. Verify that Include Temperature Dependence and Enable Feedback are both selected.

    3. In the table, verify that Temperature and Units are set to 22 and cel for all three of the bus bar objects.

    4. Click Cancel to close the dialog.

  6. Click OK to save the setup and exit the System Coupling Setup dialog.

    When you exit the dialog, Maxwell generates the configuration files it needs to participate in the co-simulation.

    Note:  If the configuration files are not generated automatically, In the Project Manager, under Optimetrics, right-click your System Coupling Setup and select Generate Configuration Files.

  7. Select File > Save and then File > Exit.

Electronics Desktop closes.