Review the Provided Directory Structure

The tutorial package provides you with setup files that are already in the recommended directory structure for this command-line coupled analysis. The Fluent participant's physics are set up only so far as to allow its individual solution. As part of the tutorial, you will complete the Fluent coupling setup to enable its inclusion in the coupled analysis and review the thermal setup of the FMU participant.

The tutorial package contains:


This top-level directory is the coupled analysis working directory where you will store all the files for the simulation. It contains a working directory for each participant and also serves as the System Coupling working directory, from which System Coupling runs and to which it writes coupling-specific output files.

When the co-simulation is completed, System Coupling creates a working directory called SyC and writes Settings and Restart .h5 files to it.

The coupled analysis working directory contains the following items:


This is the Fluent working directory, where you will store all the files related to Fluent's thermal analysis. It contains the following setup file:


File defining the FMU participant for a coupled analysis run on Windows.


File defining the FMU participant for a coupled analysis run on Linux.

Python script including the commands to run the Windows version of the tutorial.

To run the Linux version, edit the .fmu filename in the LoadParticpants() command.

Note:  Throughout this tutorial, "working directory" will refer to one of the coupled analysis working directories described above.