Add Data Transfers

Add one-way data transfers to the coupling interface.


  1. In the Outline under Coupling Interface, right-click Coupling Interface 1 and select Add Data Transfer.

    The Data Transfer branch is added to the tree, with Data Transfer 1 defined below it.

  2. Right-click Data Transfer 1, select Rename, and change the name to Temperature.

    The data transfer name is updated in the tree.

  3. Click the Temperature data transfer.

    Corresponding settings are shown below in the Properties pane.

  4. Set Target Side to Two.

    This specifies the side that will receive the data transfer quantity. In this case, the FMU (side two) will receive temperatures generated by Fluent (side one).

  5. Set the Source Variable to temperature.

  6. Verify that the Target Variable is set to Temperature.

Heat Source

  1. In the Outline under Coupling Interface, right-click Coupling Interface 2 and select Add Data Transfer.

    The Data Transfer branch is added to the tree, with Data Transfer 1 defined below it.

  2. Right-click Data Transfer 1, select Rename, and change the name to Heat Flow.

    The data transfer name is updated in the tree.

  3. Click the Heat Flow data transfer.

    Corresponding settings are shown below in the Properties pane.

  4. Set Target Side to One.

    This specifies the side that will receive the data transfer quantity. In this case,Fluent (side one) will receive heat flow data generated by the FMU (side two).

  5. Set the Target Variable to heatflow.

  6. Verify that the Source Variable is set to Heat_Rate.