Removing Small and Sliver Faces

  1. Click the Small Faces tool.
    The tool automatically finds small faces in the active component and highlights them in the design area, as shown in the image above.
  2. Select the small face(s) you want to remove:
    • Use the Select Problem tool guide to select highlighted faces. The cursor will change to a hand when you move the mouse over a problem area. This tool guide is active by default. When a single small face is selected, the face is removed immediately.

    • Use the Select Geometry tool guide to select small faces that were not automatically detected.

  3. (Optional) Use the Navigation tools to view each problem one at a time before you fix it.
    • Click Next or Previous to step through and highlight each identified problem.

    • Select Zoom to Fit if you want to automatically zoom in on the problem in the design area when you click Next or Previous.

  4. Click the Complete tool guide to fix selected small faces.
    • Problems that are highlighted when using the Navigation tools are fixed using the Complete tool guide.
    • You may box select several identified small faces to be fixed in one operation.
    • Click in white space or click the Select Problem tool guide. No individual problem area is highlighted. Then the Complete tool guide will attempt to repair all identified small faces.