Shared Topology

Use the tools in the Shared Topology group to prepare bodies for sharing topology.

Use the Overlap Bodies Tool tool to merge bodies so they can be shared.
Use the Split Edges Tool tool to detect and merge coincident edges that do not mark the boundaries of new faces.
Use the Extra Edges tool as an alternative for merging faces that are tangent or nearly tangent.
Use the Simplify tool to examine a design and simplifiy complex faces and curves into planes, cones, cylinders, lines, arcs, etc.
Use the Small Faces tool to detect and remove small and sliver faces in your design.
Previous/Next Use the navigation tools to step through all topology identified as shareable.
Use the Share tool to identify topology that can be shared among bodies in the model.
Use the Unshare tool to unshare topologies.
Use the Force Share tool to force a connection between Faces and Edges on bodies.
Use the View Assembly Structure tool to see how the assembly will appear when transferred downstream to Ansys Workbench.
Use the Show Connected Bodies tool to see body-to-body connections.
Use these options to choose display options for the connections in your model.