Simplifying Bodies

  1. Open a model that has bodies to convert to Icepak objects.
  2. Select the Icepak Simplify tool in the Icepak group on the Workbench tab.
  3. Choose a Simplification Type in the Options panel.
    • Level 0 - Bounding box

      Each body is fit within its simple bounding box.

    • Level 1 - Cuboid, cylinder fit

      • Bodies are simplified to simple solid or annular cylinders and cones.
      • Bodies already in this state are not simplified further.
      • Bodies with additional features may be simplified to bounding boxes if they cannot be resolved as cylinders or cones.
      • Bodies can be split into multiple polygons if required.
    • Level 2 - Polygon fit (Default)

      • Bodies are analyzed along a specified direction and fit within polygonal shapes
      • Bodies can be split into multiple polygons if desired
    • Level 3 - CAD object

      Bodies are converted to faceted bodies

  4. Depending on the Type, set additional options.
    • Level 0 - No options needed.

    • Level 1:

      • Use Cleanup to remove details such as rounds before attempting to simplify, making it easier to recognize basic shapes.

      • Use Allow splitting to split a body into multiple simplified shapes if possible.

        Use Randomize color to randomly assign colors to additional objects created by splitting.

    • Level 2:

      • Use Enforce axis to choose an axis along which the simplification will be based.

        Select Automatic to have the system choose an alignment programmatically, or select X axis, Y axis, or Z axis to align polygons along the selected axis.

      • Use Points on arc to set the number of interior points to use for representing curved edges.
      • Use Length threshold to specifiy the threshold value for representing curved edges using interior points. The number of points is specified by the Points on Arc setting. If a curved edge length, as a percentage of the largest edge in the polygon profile, is higher than the Length Threshold percentage, then interior points will be added. Otherwise, the curve is considered too short and will be represented as a straight line.
      • Use Clean up to remove details such as rounds before attempting to simplify, making it easier to recognize basic shapes.

      • Use Allow splitting to split a body into multiple simplified shapes if possible.

        Use Randomize color to randomly assign colors to additional objects created by splitting.

      • Use Preserve original to preserve the original body when a body is simplified.

    • Level 3:

      Use Facet Quality to control the fineness of the facets. The facets preview on the object and remain visible until you exit the tool.

      Note: If you want the highest level of faceting possible, and can accept the performance cost, choose the finest setting in Level 3.
  5. Select bodies to simplify. Box-selection is allowed.