Icepak Simplify Tool Examples

Level and Options Original Body Simplified Body
Level 0

Level 1

Cleanup = No

Level 1

Cleanup = Yes

Level 2

Enforce Axis = Automatic

Level 2

Enforce Axis = X axis

Level 2

Enforce Axis = Y axis

Level 2

Enforce Axis = Z axis

Level 2

Enforce Axis = Automatic

Points on arc = 3

Length threshold = 20%

The larger round uses Points on Arc for faceting.

Level 2

Points on arc = 3

Length threshold = 10%

Decreasing the Length Threshold decreases the round size that uses Points on Arc for faceting.

Level 3

Facet Quality = Default

Level 3

Left Image: Facet Quality = Decrease

Right Image: Facet Quality = Increase

Decreasing Facet Quality results in coarser faceting.

Increasing Facet Quality results in finer faceting.

This single body is to be simplified.
Icepak Simplify deletes the original body by default and, because Allow splitting is ON, it creates three Icepak objects.
With Preserve original body ON, the original solid is preserved.