Separating Overlaps Examples

Partially overlapping single-face surface bodies.

  • A single shared surface is created, resulting in three surface bodies.

Coincident single-surface bodies (Duplicate surfaces).

  • Duplicate is removed and only one surface remains.

Overlapping single-surface bodies where one lies completely within the other.

  • Results in two surface bodies - one is the outer portion and the other is the inner portion.

Intersecting solid bodies.

  • Two bodies become five separate solid bodies.

Surface bodies partially and fully intersecting solid bodies.

  • Where the surface body can split the solid, two solid bodies are created, resulting in three bodies total.
  • Where the surface partially intersects the solid, the edge is imprinted on the solid. This is picked up by the Share tool.

Baffles are created when surface bodies reside inside solid bodies.

For baffles that touch the boundary of their corresponding solid body, the Share tool will report the edges where the sheet and solid touch.

For baffles which reside entirely within the solid volume, the Share tool will report the baffle faces.

In both cases, the final result will be a properly constructed geometry for analysis.