Customizing Hole Series

  • Series and Size determine the values in the rest of the Hole ribbon inputs.
  • All of the information to update the inputs is contained in XML files located in the installation directory>\Library\Holes directory, where <installation directory> is where you installed the software.
  • Each series has a corresponding XML file.

The image below shows the ISO M18 x 2.5 ribbon.

The XML for this ISO hole size is in the ISO.xml file. The relevant XML is shown below.

Notice the correspondence between the XML tags and the ribbon inputs.

All dimensions are in millimeters and angles are in degrees.

The image below shows the result of switching to the UNC Series and the 3/4 - 10 Size.

The XML for this UNC hole size is in the UNC.xml file. The relevant XML is shown below.

  • Notice the correspondance between the XML tags and the ribbon inputs.
  • All dimensions are in inches and angles are in degrees.

The image below shows the values in the XML file show up in a Hole Table created in a drawing.

You can edit any of the series XML files to customize the series.

  • Note that edited files will be overwritten the next time you upgrade to a newer version of SpaceClaim
  • Any changes made to the XML files, do not go into effect until you restart SpaceClaim

You should customize the series by adding files to the directory.

  • New files add items to the Series drop-down menu
  • Deleting files or moving them out of the directory removes items from the Series drop-down menu

The image below shows a "DCZ" series added.

The DCZ series is based on UNC by copying UNC.xml to DCZ.xml and editing the sizes.

Note the new TapDrill value reflected in the Diameter input and the new Countersink and Counterbore values.