SpaceClaim File Format

Our files comply with the Microsoft Open Packaging Convention. These files are actually zip archives with a special structure, the contents of which are primarily XML data.

This open format makes it possible for third parties to get the information they need from SpaceClaim without talking directly to the SpaceClaim API. For example, a PDM system could check in a SpaceClaim document with all external dependencies and show a 3D preview of the model. One could also create a batch translator that runs on a UNIX operating system.

Third parties planning on working with SpaceClaim data should contact SpaceClaim for advice on how to best integrate their solutions. In general, the benefit of working with SpaceClaim files is that there is no need for a license of SpaceClaim to be present to read SpaceClaim data. When creating SpaceClaim data or extending the SpaceClaim user interface, the API is a better choice. SpaceClaim provides sample code for extracting solids from SCDOC files.