Running SpaceClaim From the Command Line

SpaceClaim includes line arguments that can be included when launching from a command line or terminal prompt. All command-line arguments are case-insensitive.

Command-line syntax

SpaceClaim.exe /[option name]=[value]
Tip: It is a good practice to put quotation marks around the full paths to ensure that spaces in the path or project will not be an issue.
Option Description
/DefaultOpenDirectory Specifies a default file open directory.
/DefaultSaveDirectory Specifies a default file save directory.
/DefaultUserSettingsFile Specifies the full path of a default user settings file.
/ExitAfterScript Specifies if the application should exit when the script (defined by the RunScript options) is finished.
/Headless Boolean value indicating whether to run the application in batch mode, without UI.

Override the Primary SpaceClaim license and Alternate license preferences, and specify a different license on application startup. See License Options for details on the License preference options available.


SpaceClaim.exe /p=ansys
/RunScript Specifies the fully qualified pathname of the script file to run.
/ScriptAPI Specifies the Script API when used with the RunScript option.
/ScriptArgs Specifies the script arguments as a comma separated list (for example, ScriptArgs="arg1, arg2, arg3").
/ScriptAsync Boolean value indicating whether to run the script asynchronously.
/ScriptOutput Specifies the fully qualified pathname of the script output file.
/Splash Boolean value indicating whether to show the splash screen or not. The default value is True.
/UseCurrentDirectory Use the current directory as the default file open / save directory.
/WindowLocation Sets the window location. For example, /WindowLocation=5,5
/WindowMaximized Sets the window to be maximized, if true.
/WindowSize Sets the window size. For example, /WindowSize=1000,800


"PATH\ANSYS Inc\vxxx\scdm\SpaceClaim.exe" /RunScript="%mypath%\" /ScriptArgs="arg1, arg2, arg3" /ExitAfterScript=True 

where %mypath% is the path to your *.py script.