Connecting Beams

  1. Click Connect in the Beams group on the Prepare tab.
    Any endpoints that can be connected are highlighted
  2. Change the tool options as needed:
    • Maximum distance sets the distance to be considered a gap needing to be closed.

    • Free ends only will ignore beam endpoints that already connect to a beam.

  3. Use the tool guides to connect or exclude endpoints:
    • Complete connects all of the highlighted beams.

    • Select Problem connects only those endpoints that you select.

      After making your selections, simply exit the tool, do not click Complete.

    • Exclude Problem ignores endpoints that you select.

      After making your selections, click Complete to connect the remaining beams.

Endpoints that are already connected to another beam can be connected to each other. If any of the beams to be moved are parallel to the X, Y, and Z directions, their directions are preserved. An example is shown below.

The vertical beam and the slanted beam both connect to the two horizontal beams. At the top, they are separated by a distance that is less than the Maximum distance value set in the Options panel.

After clicking Complete, the vertical beam remains stationary because it is parallel to the Y direction.

The top end of the slanted beam moves in the X direction to connect to the vertical beam.