Weld Tool Guides and Options

Weld Tool Guides

The following tool guides help step you through the process. Use the Tab key to cycle through them. As soon as the tool guide switches, the cursor may change to reflect the active guide.

Select Problem
The Select Problem tool guide is used for selecting sites found and creating welds at the sites.
Select Edges
The Select Edges tool guide is used for manually selecting edges where welds will be created.
Select Target Faces
The Select Target Faces tool guide is used for selecting the faces where welds will attach.
Exclude Problem
The Exclude Problem tool guide is used for excluding sites found.
The Complete tool guide creates the weld.

Weld Tool Options

The following options are available:

Maximum Length This is a length in model units that represents the maximum length for a weld. All potential welds that are equal to, or less than, the Maximum Length will be found.