Extend Tool Guides and Options

Extend Tool Guides

The following tool guides help step you through the process. Use the Tab key to cycle through them. As soon as the tool guide switches, the cursor may change to reflect the active guide.

Select Problem The Select Problem tool guide is active by default. This tool guide allows you to select and fix problem areas that are automatically found by the tool.
Select Geometry The Select Geometry tool guide allows you to select faces that were not automatically found. Hold Ctrl to select multiple objects or box select in the design area.
Complete The Complete tool guide merges or trims the highlighted surfaces.

Extend Tool Options

The following options are available:

Maximum distance The maximum distance between parts. The tool will search for adjacent faces again if you change this value.
Trim surfaces Controls whether or not surfaces may be trimmed in addition to extended.
Partial intersections Controls whether or not faces that partially intersect are detected.
Same body Allows a surface to be trimmed or extended by a face or edge on the same body.
Extend to curves Finds surfaces to extend to curves when the curve is in the same plane as the surface.
Merge after extend or trim Merges bodies, if possible, when you trim or extend an edge on one surface body up to a face or edge on another body.