Enclosure Tool Guides and Options

Enclosure Tool Guides

The following tool guides help step you through the process. Use the Tab key to cycle through them. As soon as the tool guide switches, the cursor may change to reflect the active guide.

Select Bodies Use the Select Bodies tool guide to select the bodies that will be enclosed.
Set Orientation Use the Set Orientation tool guide to change the orientation of the enclosure relative to your design or the axis of a coordinate system.
Custom Shape Use the Custom Shape tool guide to select a solid to use as the custom shape when you set the enclosure type to Custom in the Options panel.
Complete Click the Complete tool guide when you are finished.

Enclosure Tool Options

The following options are available:

Default cushion This is a percentage of the minimum enclosure size, and determines the distance between the enclosed object(s) and the closest point of the enclosure to the objects. You can change adjust the distances by typing in the fields in the Design window.
Enclosure type Select an enclosure shape from the list. If you select Custom Shape, you must use the Custom Shape tool guide to select a solid to use as the enclosure shape.
Symmetric dimensions Forces the dimensions to remain symmetric. Deselect this option if you want to enter values for dimensions and you don't want the opposite dimensions changed.
Create share topology Creates share topology between the enclosed body and the input bodies.