Applying Proximity Sizing

The proximity size function enables you to specify the minimum number of element layers created in regions that constitute "gaps" in the model. A gap is defined as either:

  • The internal volumetric region between two faces

  • The area between two opposing boundary edges of a face

The proximity size function does not recognize the proximity between certain entities in cases involving voids in a model. For example, the proximity between a vertex and an edge on a face is ignored if the triangle is a void in the rectangle.

Similarly, the proximity between a vertex or edge and a face on a solid is ignored if the prism and the block are voids in a larger domain.

To apply proximity sizing:

  1. Set the desired Element size and Defeature size, or use defaults.
  2. Select the Proximity check box.
  3. If the Physics Type is set to Fluid Dynamics, select a Direction to check for proximity: Inwards, Outwards, or both.
  4. For Minimum size, set the minimum size of element to be generated when proximity is calculated.
  5. For Cells across gaps, set the minimum number of layers of elements to be generated in gaps.
    You can specify a value from 1 to 100, or accept the default.
    This value is an estimate, and it may not be applied precisely in every gap. If you have defined mapped mesh controls, interval assignment may change the number of divisions (that is, elements) in a gap.
  6. For Proximity size function sources, choose whether you want edges, faces, or both to be sources for proximity size function calculations:
    • Select Edges if you want edge proximity to be considered. Resolving all edges as much as possible provides better feature capture and minimizes non-manifold nodes. For many models, selecting this option sufficiently resolves all proximity situations.

    • Select Faces if you want face proximity to be considered. If you select Faces but do not select Edges, face-edge and edge-edge proximity are not considered (for example, the trailing edge of fluid around a wing will not be captured with this setting). The face normal orientation is ignored during the proximity calculation. For large, complex models, this setting may result in longer computation time.