Inserting Planes

You can define a plane by selecting various faces, edges, axes, or lines in your design. You can select any combination of coplanar axes, curves, edges, and coordinate axes.

The plane will extend a small amount beyond the edges of the face to make it easier to work with. The plane will maintain this margin around all the objects in your design, extending and trimming itself as you add, remove, or move solids within your design.

Planes are useful for creating layouts and annotations. Planes are not linked to the geometry used to create them. They must be explicitly selected to move along with other items. You can also use a plane to quickly clip your design to show only the geometry behind the plane.

Datum planes adjust their extent based on zoom level and objects within the plane, including curves. The Include Curves property, set to true by default, is especially useful for beam-centric models with many curves.