Shrinkwrap Tool Guides and Options

Shrinkwrap Tool Guides

The following tool guides help step you through the process. Use the Tab key to cycle through them. As soon as the tool guide switches, the cursor may change to reflect the active guide.

Select Bodies The Select Bodies tool guide is active by default. It allows you to select solid or faceted bodies to shrinkwrap.
Select Tight-Fit Faces or Facets The Select Tight-Fit Faces or Facets tool guide allows you to select faces where the shrinkwrap will fit tightly.
Complete The Complete tool guide completes the shrinkwrap.

Shrinkwrap Tool Options

The following options are available for shrinkwrapping:

Size Enter a value for the average facet size that will be used for shrinkwrapping. Distances under this size may be walked over, while distances above this size will be considered acceptable and will not be closed.
Keep original bodies When enabled, the original faceted bodies will not be removed after the Shrinkwrap is created.
Preserve features When enabled, this keeps hard edges and doesn't smooth them. Set the Angle threshold which decides which edges to keep.
Secondary size Specify a facet size (smaller than the Size) to apply to selected facets. This allows you to refine the shrinkwrap locally.
Max size Enable this option to make the triangles conform more to the shape with different sized triangles based on curvature. Specify the maximum triangle size for curvature dependent faceting.