Converting an Existing View to a Cross-Section View

  1. Click the Cross Section View tool on the Detailing tab's Views ribbon group.
  2. Click the Select Section View tool guide and select the view you want to convert to a cross-section.
    If dotted gray lines do not appear around the view, it is not selected. If this occurs, press Esc and try again.
  3. Set the Create a Total Cross-Section option to set the view's section type property to Total. Uncheck the option to set the property to Area. See examples in the image above.
  4. Hover over a related view to display the cross-section indicator and preview the cross-section.
    The indicator line snaps to geometry in the view. Geometry in front of the cutting plane is not displayed.
  5. Click to place the cross-section indicator and create the cross-section view.
    The view is labeled automatically.
  6. Press Esc or S to exit the tool.