Moving a Pattern

  1. Click the Move tool.
  2. Select a pattern member to move a linear pattern or the pattern axis to move a circular or arc pattern.
  3. Move the pattern member with the Move handle.

    If you move an interior member of a pattern and it is not anchored, all the pattern members move:

    If you move a member at one end of a pattern, the member at the opposite end is anchored and the pattern is skewed:

    • If you anchor a different member than the member opposite the direction you are moving, Move skews the pattern.

    • If you have a linear pattern in a radial direction and you move an interior member without setting an anchor, then the entire pattern shifts in the selected direction

    • Use the Up To tool guide to move a pattern member up to another face or edge. Pattern dimensions (such as Count and Length) display as expected.

    • You can also use the Up To tool guide in the Move tool to create a circular pattern by rotating up to a linear entity passing through the Move Handle origin.