Combine Tool Guides

Tool guides for the Combine tool are sticky, and appear with a double outline when you click them. The tool guides remain selected so you can perform the same action repeatedly without holding the Ctrl key. To unstick the tool guide, you can click it again, click another tool guide, or click an empty place in the Design window.

Select Target The Select Target tool guide is active by default. If you did not pre-select the target solid or surface, you can select it from within the Combine tool using the Select tool guide.
Select Bodies to Merge Click the Select Bodies to Merge tool guide to select multiple solids or surfaces to merge together.
Select Cutter The Select Cutter tool guide activates once you select a target. When this tool guide is active, click to select the solid or surface you want to use to cut the target. You can Ctrl+click when this tool guide is active if you need to add other bodies to your cutter selection.
Select Regions The Select Regions tool guide activates once the target is cut. When this tool guide is active, mouse over the target to preview the regions created by the cut. Click a red region to delete it.