Combine Options

The following options are available for the Combine tool. Select one or more of these options from the Options docking panel, or right-click and select them from the mini-toolbar:

Make solids Solids are made when possible where the target and cutter objects intersect. When you select this option, you can choose any of the following:
  • Merge when done: Select this option to merge all newly-created, touching solids or surfaces when you exit the Combine tool. You can also click white space anywhere in the Design window to complete the merge. Hidden objects are not merged. This saves you the extra step of selecting all the cut-up regions after you are done with a complicated slice-and-dice session, and manually merging them all back together.
  • Keep cutter: SpaceClaim assumes that you created a cutter object to be used only for cutting. If you want to keep the cutting surface in your design, select this option. If this option is not selected, then the cutting surface is automatically deleted as soon as you select it (that is cutter objects are normally used up unless you select this option). A kept cutter can be a surface or solid, but either way only the regions of the target can be removed.

    If you are splitting surfaces, check this option to prevent the cutter object from being split by the target object.

    This option is automatically selected if the cutter object is locked.

  • Make all regions: Select this option to cut the target object with the cutter object and the cutter object with the target object. Target and cutter must be the same type of object, either both solids or both surfaces. Because this option can create a large number of regions, it can be helpful to use this option along with the Merge When Done option to quickly merge all remaining regions when you click another tool or press Enter to finish using Combine.

Make curves Select this option to make 3D curves where the target and cutter object intersect. The curves are created in the active part, rather than the part that the first body belongs to.
  • Imprint curves: Select this option to create edges at intersections instead of creating 3D curves. You will not be able to preview regions for deletion. As soon as a region is selected for deletion, this option is disabled. The edges are created on the first body you select.
Extend intersections Extend intersections: Select this option to extend the intersection of partially intersecting surfaces so the underlying surface is completely split.
Extend intersections