Configuring Windows

SpaceClaim has several docking windows that are initially docked along the left side of the application. You can minimize these panels, detach them, or dock them to different sides of the application. You can also dock and detach your design windows.

To minimize a panel

Click the thumbtack icon to minimize the docked panel. Mousing over a minimized panel expands the panel while the cursor is over it. Once the cursor leaves the expanded panel, it returns to its minimized state.

To maximize a panel

Click the thumbtack icon to "stick" the panel to the application window.

To detach a panel or window

Drag a panel by its title bar to detach it. Drag a design window by its tab to detach it.

To dock a panel or window

Drag a panel or window by its title bar or tab. As you move the panel or window over the application, icons indicate possible docking positions.

Mouse over an icon to preview the docked location. Release the mouse button to dock the panel at that location.

To return docked panels to their default layout
  1. Select SpaceClaim Options from the File menu and select Appearance.

  2. Click Reset Docking Layout.

  3. Click OK.