4. Typographical Conventions Used in This Manual

Several typographical conventions are used in this manual’s text to facilitate your learning process.

  • Different type styles are used to indicate graphical user interface menu items, button and other GUI control labels, and text inputs that you enter (for example, in the Create a New Curve dialog box, enter sample-curve for Name).

  • A menu selection is indicated like this:

      Material Data

    indicates that the Material Data menu item should be selected from the Polymat menu.

  • A mini flow chart is used to indicate selections from the menu bar. For example,

    File Exit

    indicates that the Exit item should be selected from the File pull-down menu in the Ansys Polymat menu bar.

    The word before an arrow invoke the pull-down menu (or submenu) and the final word indicates the item you should select from that pull-down menu.