1.4. Starting Ansys Polymat

The installation process (described in the separate installation instructions for your computer type) is designed to ensure that the requested program is launched when you follow the instructions below. If it is not, consult your computer systems manager or your technical support engineer.

On Linux systems, all programs are started by typing the appropriate command from the command line of an xterm window. On Windows systems, you will type the appropriate command in an MS-DOS Command Prompt window.

To start Ansys Polymat, type


You can also start Ansys Polymat from the Programs menu in Ansys Polyman. First, select a .mat file, and then select the Programs/Others/Polymat menu item or type Ctrl+M. See the Ansys Polyflow User’s Guide for details about Ansys Polyman.

It is also possible to launch Ansys Polymat from within Ansys Polydata, by selecting the Curve Fitting menu item in Ansys Polydata’s Material data menu.