3.5. Reading CAMPUS Material Property Files

If you have a file containing material properties from the CAMPUS material database (version 3.0 or later), you can import this material data into Ansys Polymat by clicking the Load a Campus File menu item in the top-level Ansys Polymat menu.

  Load a Campus File

The following properties can be read from the CAMPUS file:

  • density of melt

  • thermal conductivity of melt

  • heat capacity of melt

  • curve(s) of viscosity vs. shear rate at a given temperature

  • viscosity model parameters

Note that all data in a CAMPUS file are in the MKS unit system. See Unit Systems for information about converting to a new unit system.

A sample CAMPUS file is shown below:

 #GE Plastics Europe
 #CAMPUS Version 4.1
 #July 1999
 #ENDURAN 7062 
 #kg/m3 1600
 #W/(m K)
 #J/(kg K)
 260 Enduran7062_260.crv
 270 Enduran7062_270.crv
 280 Enduran7062_280.crv
 #Pa s
 # viscosity = F(g*H(T)) * H(T)
 # F(g) = K1 / ( 1 + K2 * g ) ** K3
 # H(T) = exp [ 8.86 * (K4-K5)/(101.6+K4-K5) - 8.86 *