8.1.1. Available Boundary Conditions

The default condition defined by Ansys Polydata on each section of the boundary is a zero wall velocity (zero normal velocity and zero tangential velocity), except for the axis of symmetry in an axisymmetric model. For an axisymmetric model, Ansys Polydata automatically prescribes a symmetry condition along the line . You can keep the default condition where appropriate, and specify new conditions for the rest of the boundary sections. The boundary conditions available in Ansys Polydata are as follows:

  • zero wall velocity (vn=vs=0)

  • slip conditions

  • porous wall

  • axis of symmetry

  • inflow

  • outflow

  • free surface

  • normal and tangential velocities imposed

  • normal and tangential forces imposed

  • normal velocity and tangential force imposed

  • normal force and tangential velocity imposed

  • global force imposed

  • cylindrical velocities imposed

  • velocity profile from CSV file

  • interface

  • interface with porous media

  • interface with elastic solid

  • inlet of periodic condition

  • outlet of periodic condition

  • source of connected condition

  • target of connected condition

It is also possible to specify conditions on a boundary section using a submodel, as described in Specifying Conditions Using Sub-Models. With sub-models, you can also specify conditions on an internal region of the domain.