The default condition defined by Ansys Polydata on each section of the boundary is
a zero wall velocity (zero normal velocity and zero tangential velocity), except for
the axis of symmetry in an axisymmetric model. For an axisymmetric model,
Ansys Polydata automatically prescribes a symmetry condition along the line
. You can keep the default condition where appropriate, and specify
new conditions for the rest of the boundary sections. The boundary conditions
available in Ansys Polydata are as follows:
zero wall velocity (vn=vs=0)
slip conditions
porous wall
axis of symmetry
free surface
normal and tangential velocities imposed
normal and tangential forces imposed
normal velocity and tangential force imposed
normal force and tangential velocity imposed
global force imposed
cylindrical velocities imposed
velocity profile from CSV file
interface with porous media
interface with elastic solid
inlet of periodic condition
outlet of periodic condition
source of connected condition
target of connected condition
It is also possible to specify conditions on a boundary section using a submodel, as described in Specifying Conditions Using Sub-Models. With sub-models, you can also specify conditions on an internal region of the domain.